Really, please do believe me.
Nuff Nuff
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Appreciate and do not force.
Today's Mood: I just want to spend all my time with you <3 No matter how long, I just want to be by your side. Although we are not doing anything, that's enough, as long as i am with you. Although you don't talk, it's okay. I care about you pretty much, even more than myself. IDK why, this is what i feel. Tried to ignore it, but obviously i failed. It's more than what i thought. This is freaking distracting. Be neutral? Impossible for now. I don't wish to get back the same feeling from you, i will really appreciate if we can stay like this forever. As i said, I will try my best to maintain our relationship to make sure it lasts forever.
Monday, May 30, 2011
I believe we are ONE.
Friends have stuff to busy with,
nobody is free to listen to me.
I feel our bond not strong as last time,
maybe we had lacked of communication?
I don't want this to happen to us.
I really do appreciate the time spends with you guys. <3
at least i have blog.
I feel i am half success as in something that cannot tell here x)
still controlling myself~
nobody is free to listen to me.
I feel our bond not strong as last time,
maybe we had lacked of communication?
I don't want this to happen to us.
I really do appreciate the time spends with you guys. <3
at least i have blog.
I feel i am half success as in something that cannot tell here x)
still controlling myself~
You did not sense anything means you are not caring me enough.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Rainbow shines ;)
和他一起去 ;)
就去Kuchai Lama的Snowflakes.
就跳过吧 x)
病倒不像人形了 哈哈
要考试了 T^T
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Suffering Day.
Today's Mood: Sleepy & Torture.
Am having bad flu + running nose + headache + soar throat @@
What a bad day again!
Once i sneeze,
i feel extra sleepy,
and my throat hurts.
so suffering lahhhh
i want to go home & sleep Z.Z
Just realized that today is Wednesday,
thats mean...
Pasar Malam tonight!
but but but,
no transport (although i know driving),
don't know mom lets me drive there or not ><
hope she lets la.
no one accompany hahaha
let me think of somebody to accompany first.
I am so tired T^T
I am dying very soon,
thanks for you guys' condolences in advance hahahaha.
Am having bad flu + running nose + headache + soar throat @@
What a bad day again!
Once i sneeze,
i feel extra sleepy,
and my throat hurts.
so suffering lahhhh
i want to go home & sleep Z.Z
Just realized that today is Wednesday,
thats mean...
Pasar Malam tonight!
but but but,
no transport (although i know driving),
don't know mom lets me drive there or not ><
hope she lets la.
no one accompany hahaha
let me think of somebody to accompany first.
I am so tired T^T
I am dying very soon,
thanks for you guys' condolences in advance hahahaha.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Today's Mood: Down to the M.A.X
Today was crap.
Not to be mean,
i just don't like to mess up everything.
Before doing something,
must have a plan first,
things only will go smooth.
i hate last minute work.
Please be serious when you do things.
Take it serious.
Concentrate on it.
I really pissed-off.
Today was crap.
Not to be mean,
i just don't like to mess up everything.
Before doing something,
must have a plan first,
things only will go smooth.
i hate last minute work.
Please be serious when you do things.
Take it serious.
Concentrate on it.
I really pissed-off.
Depend On Yourself, Not Friends.
When you're doing good on everything, there surely have someone around you;
But when you are facing problem, there is no one that willing to stay and listen to you.
Plenty of you will say,
" Yes i will", "I am always here for you".
Arghhh, Sorry lah, I don't believe in this.
When you need someone, you will realize that there is no one that you can rely on.
So sad right?
Ahhh, get use to it!
But when you are facing problem, there is no one that willing to stay and listen to you.
Plenty of you will say,
" Yes i will", "I am always here for you".
Arghhh, Sorry lah, I don't believe in this.
When you need someone, you will realize that there is no one that you can rely on.
So sad right?
Ahhh, get use to it!
Monday, May 23, 2011
I have been ignored my sweet blog recently.
i have lack of ideas on what to post about.
Actually, got much more stuffs i want to post BUT i don't feel like posting it.
Arghhhhh, forever DILEMMA.
Let's talk about my feeling recently.
I ruined my life,
I messed up everything,
I don't even know who am i,
I give up on everything for you,
24/7 staring my phone,
Hoping for something,
Come out with stupid ideas in my mind,
Forever day dreaming,
Forever don't know what i want,
Forever lifeless,
Starting to suspect myself,
Am i the original Yin Yi?
Can you imagine the questions up there stuck in my mind for don't-know-how-long?
Live everyday with the unanswered questions,
What such a life!
Tried not to care about you,
But can i?
That's the question.
Posted a lot on FB & Twitter,
Tried to express everything out,
But it did not help much though.
Chill YinYi chill~
I am a freak x))
i have lack of ideas on what to post about.
Actually, got much more stuffs i want to post BUT i don't feel like posting it.
Arghhhhh, forever DILEMMA.
Let's talk about my feeling recently.
I ruined my life,
I messed up everything,
I don't even know who am i,
I give up on everything for you,
24/7 staring my phone,
Hoping for something,
Come out with stupid ideas in my mind,
Forever day dreaming,
Forever don't know what i want,
Forever lifeless,
Starting to suspect myself,
Am i the original Yin Yi?
Can you imagine the questions up there stuck in my mind for don't-know-how-long?
Live everyday with the unanswered questions,
What such a life!
Tried not to care about you,
But can i?
That's the question.
Posted a lot on FB & Twitter,
Tried to express everything out,
But it did not help much though.
Chill YinYi chill~
I am a freak x))
FAKE smile ever ;P
Thursday, May 19, 2011
⒈ 当一个女的真正喜欢你时,她会主动发信息或者打电话给你,因为他很想你。
⒉ 当一个女的真正喜欢你时,她会在乎你的一举一动,因为她怕她随时会失去你。
⒊ 当一个女的真正喜欢你时,她跟你说话的时候会表现的很淑女,因为她想在你的心里永远是那么的美好。
⒋ 当一个女的真正喜欢你时,她会在她的朋友、同学面前一天到晚提起你,因为她觉得自己老公是如此的好。
⒌ 当一个女的真正喜欢你时,她会为了你从家里逃出来,甚至不惜跟爸爸妈妈翻脸,因为她想见你。
⒍ 当一个女的真正喜欢你时,如果你想去学校去接她时,她会不让你去,至于为什么我也不知道。
⒎ 当一个女的真正喜欢你时,如果你要去打架,她会劝你不去,因为她怕你受伤。(当然是废话)
⒏ 当一个女的真正喜欢你时,她看到你心情不好,就会来安慰你,尽管你对她发脾气,她还是忍了。
⒐ 当一个女的真正喜欢你时,她会对你说些她的秘密,甚至有些连她最好的朋友也不知道的秘密。
⒑ 当一个女的真正喜欢你时,如果你有一天对她没感觉了,不去理她了,她会选择跟你说分手,然后默默的离开,尽管她已经爱你爱到骨髓。 男孩和女孩吵架了,男孩再也不对女孩说:我爱你.当然女孩也不再说:我也是.他们谈到了分手的事,背对背睡下了。半夜,天上打雷了。第一声雷响时,他醒 了,下意识地猛地用双手去捂她的耳朵,才发现不知何时他又拥著她。雷声紧接著炸响,女孩留下了眼泪。过一会雷停了,两人假装什么也没发生,可谁都没有睡 著。她想也许他还爱我,生怕我受一点点吓。他想,也许她还爱我,不然她不会流泪的。爱的最高境界是经得起平淡的流年。世界上最美的木乃伊,这是一个古老的 符咒,看到此日志的朋友转载到自己的日志里,三天内就能得到心爱的人。
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Friends / Lover
So what now?
everything goes quite smooth between you & me,
but why are some problems come out & make me uncomfortable so much?
I tried to ignore the feeling,
but nope, i failed.
No, i should ask,
what is between you & me?
I don't get any hints from you.
Stop giving me hopes, & take it back the next second.
Please, Do Not Piss Me Off.
I know,
We are nothing but just only friends.
yeap, I know.
So, can you stop being good to me?
you're doing more than friends.
everything goes quite smooth between you & me,
but why are some problems come out & make me uncomfortable so much?
I tried to ignore the feeling,
but nope, i failed.
No, i should ask,
what is between you & me?
I don't get any hints from you.
Stop giving me hopes, & take it back the next second.
Please, Do Not Piss Me Off.
I know,
We are nothing but just only friends.
yeap, I know.
So, can you stop being good to me?
you're doing more than friends.
I hope we can separate clearly,
i don't put hope.
So do you.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
i am kinda weird these few days,
i don't feel like eating, AT ALL.
i can don't eat for the whole day.
i don't know what's wrong with me.
but i lose 2kg in these few days.
kinda fast & not bad huh?
went out these 2 days,
movie & assignment.
nothing much to tell,
i wanna tell but i can't tell here.
i don't feel like eating, AT ALL.
i can don't eat for the whole day.
i don't know what's wrong with me.
but i lose 2kg in these few days.
kinda fast & not bad huh?
went out these 2 days,
movie & assignment.
nothing much to tell,
i wanna tell but i can't tell here.
You affect me easily & badly <3
Sunday, May 8, 2011
7/5/2011 Ichiban Boshi
yesterday went Pavilion with my brother & her girlfriend.
he treated me Ichiban Boshi as my birthday present.
Our dinner at Ichiban Boshi cost RM 175.40.
3 people ate RM 175.40 wehhh.
then we watched The Lost Bladesman.
Not bad luhh~
I'm lovin' it!
Tomorrow McD Happy Meal! =DD
yesterday went Pavilion with my brother & her girlfriend.
he treated me Ichiban Boshi as my birthday present.
Our dinner at Ichiban Boshi cost RM 175.40.
3 people ate RM 175.40 wehhh.
then we watched The Lost Bladesman.
Not bad luhh~
I'm lovin' it!
Tomorrow McD Happy Meal! =DD
Friday, May 6, 2011
Mua Birthday Night at Leisure Mall
5/5/2011 night
went Leisure Mall with Kah Mun, Foong Chia, Jo Yi & Jessica
We had Kenny Roger's as dinner.
went Leisure Mall with Kah Mun, Foong Chia, Jo Yi & Jessica
We had Kenny Roger's as dinner.
our silly face x))
Love ♥ you guysss
Mua Birthday in Taylor's
Mua Birthday!!!
a lot of people wished me and i was busying reply their wishes.
special thanks to aunty from Norwegian Sandwich.
she treated me 2 sausages when she found out was my birthday!
so sweet and nice of her <3
Then, Dr. Antoon came.
I was having fun with friends,
then the lights were dimmed.
I did not suspect anything would happen at all.
and suddenly,
Zun Zen came in with candle light,
OMG, i shouted. :\
this is why i do not go to school on my birthday when i was secondary school ='3
This was planned by Zun Zen, Joyce and Gladys.
Shared by Zun Zen, Joyce, Gladys, Amy & Jia Yi.
I was surprised & almost cried out.
These people brighten up my day ♥
Thanks for everything.
Loves ♥
Mua Birthday!!!
a lot of people wished me and i was busying reply their wishes.
special thanks to aunty from Norwegian Sandwich.
she treated me 2 sausages when she found out was my birthday!
so sweet and nice of her <3
Then, Dr. Antoon came.
I was having fun with friends,
then the lights were dimmed.
I did not suspect anything would happen at all.
and suddenly,
Zun Zen came in with candle light,
OMG, i shouted. :\
this is why i do not go to school on my birthday when i was secondary school ='3
This was planned by Zun Zen, Joyce and Gladys.
Shared by Zun Zen, Joyce, Gladys, Amy & Jia Yi.
I was surprised & almost cried out.
These people brighten up my day ♥
Thanks for everything.
Loves ♥
18th Early Birthday Celebration
Let's talk about my early birthday celebration at 3/5/2011.
we finished our class at 9+ or 10, i forgot.
then i decided to watch movie,therefore Jo Yi, Wen Yi, Fiona, Jolene, Zoe, Zoey & I went Sunway first.
We watched Thor,
But Zoe suddenly wanted to watch The Roommate with Zoey =.=
Then we watched separately.
Thor was pretty nice!
After that, we went Pasta Zanmai for lunch.
We took photos there.
Thanks a lot for the day.
Specially for,
♥ Amy, Fiona, Wen Yi, Joyce, Zun Zen, Jia Yi, Zoe, Zoey, Xin Yi, Gladys, JoYi & Jolene ♥
Hope i did not miss out anyone~
we finished our class at 9+ or 10, i forgot.
then i decided to watch movie,therefore Jo Yi, Wen Yi, Fiona, Jolene, Zoe, Zoey & I went Sunway first.
We watched Thor,
But Zoe suddenly wanted to watch The Roommate with Zoey =.=
Then we watched separately.
Thor was pretty nice!
After that, we went Pasta Zanmai for lunch.
We took photos there.
Thanks a lot for the day.
Specially for,
♥ Amy, Fiona, Wen Yi, Joyce, Zun Zen, Jia Yi, Zoe, Zoey, Xin Yi, Gladys, JoYi & Jolene ♥
Hope i did not miss out anyone~
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I shouldn't believe you at the first place.
Today's Mood: Great.
Went timesquare with mom today,
it's been quite a long time i hang out with mom.
Today was really a nice day.
i bought 5 shirts & 2 pants.
that's quite a lot huh?
yeahhhh, happyyyy x))
Love you mom~
Timesquare has changed a lot,
i almost got lost there ahahaha.
Going to Genting with coursemate & Taylorians.
first time going genting with friends and by bus,
kinda excited =D
Went timesquare with mom today,
it's been quite a long time i hang out with mom.
Today was really a nice day.
i bought 5 shirts & 2 pants.
that's quite a lot huh?
yeahhhh, happyyyy x))
Love you mom~
Timesquare has changed a lot,
i almost got lost there ahahaha.
Going to Genting with coursemate & Taylorians.
first time going genting with friends and by bus,
kinda excited =D
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