This is what happens when you staying up late night to study >O<
*siao siao already* |
2Hours of sleeping was justsoextremelynotenough for a teenager like me =0= I wanted to sleep at 11something yesterday and I did go to bed BUT I cannot fall asleep asdfghjkl;' After rolling on my bed for half an hour, I decided to wake up and study. I study study study tadaa!!! 1am something!!! O___O OH EM GGG fyi, I never ever stay up late night like this just to study one, DID NOT try before. Such a huge change on me. I knew I have to sleep if not I will be superduperfreaking tired the next day which is today. So I forced myself to sleep and yet I slept at 2am. I set my alarm to wake me up at 4am because I were f*cking nervous and I felt like so empty in my brain. Yes, I managed to wake up at 4am :D So the conclusion is. . . I slept for 2 hours yesterday and today is the day(exam day)! I am so amazed that I can stay up late night and study like crazieee but don't feel any tiredness as in physically nor mentally. It's a superbiglargehuge miracle! Awwwww~ and see, I am still here typing, blogging. LOL I should be sleeping like dead pig right now >0<
And the effect on sleeping late is. . .my pimples popped out like nobody's business!!! T0T Can daiii can daiii. >0<
What surprised me is the standard of the exams today. That two papers were considered easy, especially IMW. I thought the definition that teacher gave us is supposed to come out in structure/short answers. But amazingly, it came out in objectives, is like EVERYTHING in objectives was definition. Cool? Cool~ ;D I think I did pretty well cheers! :) What about MA? MA was quite easy also, but it was slightly harder than IMW, I am worried :(
Tomorrow is another day! IMC day! The scariest one. Is like freakmyassout level of scariness. @@ I am worried and afraid of the possibilities for me to fail this subject. It is quite HIGH. All I hope for now is I can pass every subject. Just PASS is enough. I am not faithed to IMC, NEVER. T^T
Wokayyy! Gotta sleep like a dead pig already! x)) Let's end this post with Today's Quote:
"Do me a favor, stay in my life." -Tumblr
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