First time using GPS to somewhere which I don't used to go. I went KBU to pick ZSam from Taylor's by following GPS's instructions. And surprisingly, I perfectly success man!!! x))) Although I did go to the wrong road laa *^^* Before that, I bought ChaTime in Taylor's and I bought for ZSam too :) Nice nice yummy!
Famine 30 stuff really bother me very much. These few days I had not enough sleep. Basically, I only slept for maximum 5 hours like that only. This seriously not enough for me >< Got to wait for their reply, have to key in their details into the system and check the details in the system with our own backup compiled details. These spend me at least 2 hours a day to finish it. The worse is, I always get my director's order in the late night. Then, when I finish executed her order, it was already 2am in the midnight @@ FYI, I am having holiday now. But why am I feeling more tired than studying??? Oh Emm GGG. But, Chloe is more busier than me. She is having her exams now but she can't really study because she has to approach and meet those campers to register them and collect donation booklets from them. Haizzz :'( So freaking tiring >__<
'Walking zombie' anywhere@@ - quoted Gladys
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